First Post

A nd so it begins – the world of blogging – and not just blogging, but food blogging. No more amateur Instgram food pictures with my cell phone and bad lighting {although, until I upgrade.. that’s what my blog will unfortunately have to deal with}. No more experimenting with new recipes without completely documenting the process with pictures from the unopened ingredients – to the mess of the process itself – and finally showing you guys the finished product, that hopefully will be both visually appealing and delicious. No more privacy. By entering into the virtual world in this fashion, I am in a way “branding” myself. And I’ve thought about this.. and it’s okay with me.

I am a full-time mother, {almost} wife and keto-er. During the day I spend my time molding the minds of young mathematicians … aka … I teach middle school {sixth grade} math.

I recently stumbled upon the Ketogenic lifestyle via Facebook. And I’m about to confess something.. I am a recovering LuLaRoe addict…. I was searching for a deal on a buy/sell/trade group and I came across a post of a woman who was selling her entire collection because her clothes no longer fit. She stated that she had lost 30 pounds from December 26, 2016 – March 3, 2017. Basically, 30 pounds in three months.

Not having any clue as to who this woman was, I sent her a message. I had to know how in the world anyone could lose 30 pounds in 3 months. It was March, the time of year when I start to remember that I will soon be sporting a bathing suit.

Anyways, I was expecting her to tell me about this miracle pill or diet shake or SOMETHING that I had to buy – because that seems to be all anyone ever talks about anymore when it comes to losing weight.

“I did the 24 day challenge.”

“I drink my shake and I’m not hungry again until dinner.”

“I take a pill a day and my energy is through the roof and I’m never hungry.”

The products are everywhere, and I’m sure they do work. But since starting Keto, I haven’t spent a dime on supplemental products. I used to buy different supplement products once a quarter. I would try a different challenge every few months. They did work – I just gained it all back after. I was depriving myself and it wasn’t sustainable, for me. Keto is.

Diets don’t work for me. I do have a strong will power, but after so many weeks of depriving myself of the foods that I want.. I always go back to eating what I want and gain some, if not all, of the weight back over time.

Well, this woman told me that she has been following the Keto diet since the day after Christmas. And that was it. She also mentioned that she worked really hard to get 10,000 steps per day on her FitBit, but other than that she hadn’t exercised. {wait, what?} A loss of 30 pounds and no exercise?


So, after much research and joining several Keto Facebook groups – I started this journey a few days later.

To date, I have lost 19 pounds and approximately 12 inches. I started on March 6, 2017. Today is May 23. That’s pretty remarkable! I have not felt the need the cheat – I do not miss the carbs – and I don’t ever plan on going back to my pre-Keto way of eating {WOE}. Oh yeah.. and I haven’t exercised, and I haven’t been trying to hit 10,000 steps on my FitBit. I’m sure doing those things would accelerate the weight loss and I do plan to start incorporating workouts into my routine. I’m down to the last 14 pounds.. I don’t think they will melt off as easily as the first 19 did.

#ketoon my friends!
